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    Benefits of Membership

    Being part of the specialty nursing group whose main focus is respiratory nursing:

    • Indemnity insurance, specialised legal representation and professional and industrial assistance when needed through NZNO membership
    • Affiliation with other specialty groups in New Zealand and worldwide through the international nurses organisation

    Membership Categories

    • Full Membership:
      • Any qualified nurse in New Zealand currently practising aspects of respiratory nursing and who is a financial member of NZNO
    • Associate Membership:
      • Qualified nurses, student nurses and health care assistants interested in respiratory nursing, but not necessarily practising in this field who are financial members of NZNO.  
      • Allied health professionals interested in respiratory care - they are not required to be a financial member of NZNO.
      • Member of consumer groups interested in respiratory care who are not eligible for NZNO membership
      • Associate members may not hold office, propose nominatons or motions or have voting rights.
    • Honorary Life Membership:  
      • Honorary Life Membership may be bestowed from time to time and will be moved and agreed to at an Annual General Meeting
    • Retired Nurse Membership
      • Retired nurses who have been member of the college may apply to the committee for retired njurse membership provided they are no longer in paid employment of any kind.

    Rights and Responsibilities of Members

    • Full members shall have the right to attend meetings, propose nominations and motions, to vote, to receive information from the Section and become office bearers
    • All members have the responsibility of notifying the membership secretary of any change of name, address, place of employment and occupation
    • Delegated members may speak on behalf of the Section only after consultation

    Termination of Membership

    A person shall cease to be a member if written notice of resignation is received by the membership secretary, or they cease to be a member of NZNO.

    Privacy Act 2020

    The information collected on this College membership form is used by NZNO in its membership systems, and to establish your membership for the purposes of the 2000 Employment Relations Act.

    The information requested by this online form may also be used by NZNO for:

    • The operation, maintenance, administration and support of College activities.
    • Statistical and reporting purposes relating to this College.
    • Mailing list information may be passed onto College committee members who provide newsletters and other updates to such members.

    This statement does not replace, and should be read in conjunction with, the privacy statements on the NZNO membership form.

    Two ways to join now

    1. Complete and return the College of Respiratory Nurses Membership Form (PDF, 37 KB)
    2. Apply online below

    Your application will be forwarded to the relevant section or college, which will contact you about membership criteria and associated fees (if there are any).


    • You can join up to three Sections or Colleges
    • Membership is subject to you meeting the Section or College criteria
    • You must be a current NZNO member.

    Apply now

© Copyright 2014 New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Authorised by NZNO, 57 Willis Street, Wellington