Conference and Events

Upcoming conferences

No events are currently scheduled by the Women's Health College (WHC).
For other events of interest, please visit the NZNO Events calendar.

Presentations from the 2024 WHC Conference
  1. Department of Corrections
    Healthcare success in women's prisons in Aotearoa
  2. Jackie Gartell
    Second trimester abortion, incl over 20 weeks gestation
  3. Judy Ormandy
    Colposcopy in the community
  4. Lauren Moore
    Life as a Nurse Practitioner Hysteroscopist
  5. Marja Captijn
    Shift in Hormones - A curse or a blessing?
  6. Nadine Riwai
    NCSP HPV update
  7.  Reena Kainamu
    The personal is political
  8. Susan Rae & Sara Behrooze
    NZ Female pelvic mesh service 
  9. Vanessa van Uden
    Baby box

Past conferences

2024 NZNO Women's Health College AGM & Conference 

Conference website






















Theme: Remarkable Women
Date: 10-11 May 2024
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Queenstown

2024 WHC AGM

Date and time: Saturday 11 May 2024 from 11:45am to 12:45pm
Venue: Rydges Hotel, Queenstown

Sex & Consequences Seminar - 23 November

Kia ora koutou

Just to remind you all: the Sex & Consequences seminar is on next week, on Thursday 23 November 2023 from 1 pm to 5 pm. The programme is attached.

We’d like to thank all of you who have already registered, from all around Aotearoa New Zealand. For those of you who’d like to attend but haven’t registered yet, please do so by emailing

The venue can seat 70 people maximum. If you are Zooming in, please turn on your camera (if available) – we’d love to see you. We’d also like to acknowledge the Burnett Foundation Aotearoa for their wonderful support and contributions.

Ngā mihi nui.

Caro Davidson - Clinical Nurse Specialist, Dr Edward Coughlan - Clinical Director, Ann Vanschevensteen - Health Promoter Kaitohu Hauora - Sexual Health Christchurch Sexual Health Centre, Te Mana Ora.




2023 NZNO Women's Health College AGM & Conference

ILLUMINATE - Shining a light on Women's Health

Date and time: Thursday, 4 May 18:00-20:00
                          Friday, 5 May 08:00-12:00 mn
                          Saturday, 6 May 07:30-15:30
Venue: Trinity Wharf Tauranga, 51 Dive Crescent, Tauranga

Accredited LARC Train-the-Trainer Course - limited registrations available

Date and time: Thursday, 4 May 2023, 09:00–17:00
Venue: Trinity Wharf Tauranga, 51 Dive Crescent, Tauranga

Women's Health College Conference 2022

Theme:  "Life goes on"

Date: Thursday 26 - Saturday 28 May 2022
Time: Thursday, 26 May - 16:30-20:00
           Friday, 27 May - 08:00-12:00 mn
           Saturday, 28 May - 07:30-15:30
Venue: Te Pae Convention Centre, 188 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch


Women's Health College AGM 2022

Date: Saturday, 28 May 2022
Time: 11:15 am-12:15 pm


Date: 18 November 2021
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Venue: Unit 1, 16 Sheffield Crescent, Christchurch

Women's Health College 2021 Conference

Southern Pearls and Other Hidden Gems

Womens Health College 2019 Conference


NZNO Women's Health College Conference 2018: Nurses - Diamonds of Diversity


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