Meet your Committee

NRS Committee, Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi Roles

Lorraine Ritchie - Acting Chair

Email LorraineLorraine Ritchie

Lorraine is a Nurse Consultant at Te Whatu Ora Southern, focusing on policy, projects and professional issues. She has been involved in nursing for over 30 years, and currently holds a role as a Professional Practice Fellow at the University of Otago Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies where she teaches and supervises Master’s students.

Lorraine's nursing background includes

  • aged care and care of older people
  • nursing education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels
  • postnatal/antenatal nursing and
  • management of an aged care facility

Her research interests focus on:

  • Professional standards
  • wellbeing of nurses
  • older people’s health
  • aged care
  • social gerontology
  • arts and health

Lorraine's primary research interest and experience is in qualitative methodologies, particularly narrative approaches. She published in national and international journals, and edited “Listening with my Heart” (2017), the inaugural book of poetry written by NZ nurses.

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Ebony Komene -  Treasurer
Ebony Komene

Email Ebony

Ko Tautara Matawhaura tōku maunga Ko Rotoiti tōku roto 
Ko Te Awara tōku waka 
Ko Ngāti Pikiao tōku iwi 
Ko Ebony ahau. 

Tēnā koutou, ko kaimahi nēhi rangahau ki te Tāmaki Makaurau a ki te Waipapa Taumata Rau.  

Ebony is a clinical research nurse working with Counties Manukau Health and The University of Auckland. She recently completed her Bachelor of Nursing Honours and has a background in primary healthcare. She has passion for Māori health, and driving health equity that begins with a renewed commitment to Te Tiriti. 

Clinical background

  • Community Vaccinator
  • General Practice Nursing and
  • Urgent Care Nursing

Research background and interests

  • Equity & Racism 
  • Exploring the experiences of whānau Māori 
  • Health Prevention and
  • Kaupapa Māori research (Mātauranga, Mana motuhake)

Ebony is working towards securing a PhD fellowship to pursue her passion. He maurea kai whiria! Ignore small matters and direct effort toward important projects. Tihei mauri ora.

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Katherine King - Secretary

Profile to come.

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Kim Monteiro - Social Media 

Email Kim

Kim Monteiro

Kim Monteiro is a Service Development Manager at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau and leads key strategic programmes, projects and initiatives towards best outcomes for all healthcare partners. He has completed a Masters in Nursing, and is a PRINCE2 Project Management Practitioner.

Kim’s nursing background includes

  • Clinical practice in acute and community settings
  • educating undergraduate nursing students and postgraduate nurses in the clinical and academic settings
  • leading the Fundamentals of Care continuous improvement programme
  • management of high value and high impact portfolio of projects, and
  • research presentations at national and international forum.

Kim’s research interests include

  • The Fundamentals of Care
  • Implementation Science, and
  • Equity

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Maria Tutahi - Te Runanga RepresentativeMaria Tutahi

Email Maria

Ko wai au?

Hōkai tū tapuwae 
Ki runga o Nga Taumata te maunga 
Whakahirahira o aku tīpuna 
Kua ngaro i te ao nei!
Tauheke atu ki Ohinemataroa
Te wai kaukau o ngā mātua tīpuna!
Kia tū tangata whenua ahau ki tōku marae ko Tauarau!
Tu mai e kui Rongokarae, te mana tawhito o tua whakarere!
Te tari o te ora Rangimahana tena koe!
Ngati Rongo taku mana, taku ihi!
Ko Tuhoe he pou whenua, he pou tangata!
Mataatua te waka!  Ko Toroa te tangata o runga!
Ka tauha kai te whare! 
Tau ana!

“Tuhoe moumou kai, moumou taonga, moumou tangata I te po!”

Nga mihi maioha kia tatou.  Ko Maria Tutahi toku ingoa no te Tiamana o Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa - Te Manawataki o Waikato.  He mahi au ki a Tapuhi Māori I roto I the Whareheke Toto ki Te Wahatu Ora o Waikato. 

My name is Maria Tutahi and I am the Te Runanga Chair for Te Manawataki o Waikato Region and I work as a Dialysis Nurse at Te Whatu Ora o Waikato

I am one of 10 Māori nurses employed in this area.  My mahi allows me to practice holistically with my patients, which incorporates and recognises the uniqueness of my culture.  The care that I give is based on those essential principles I learned as a student and are inclusive in my practice.  These are the same principles that I as a Registered Nurse teach to my Netp and Tauira from Te Pukenga o Waikato and Wintec

I graduated with a Bachelor of Health Sciences Māori (Nursing) from Te Ōhanga Mataora Paetahi o Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi in Whakatane.   I completed a Dual Competency Nursing Program, its foundation set firmly on the teachings of Tikanga, Te Reo and Te Ao Māori.  It is a one of a kind Nursing degree set and taught according to Wananga principles and I am both proud and honoured to be a foundation graduate of that program.

 I am also Te Manawataki o Waikato Te Poari representative, a member of NZNO Regional Council - Midlands, a committee member for the Maranga Mai Scholarship and a member of this committeee

No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa

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Patricia McClunie-Trust - Special Projects

Profile to come

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Hina Karim - Newsletter

Email HinaHina Karim

My name is Hina Karim and I work as a research Clinical Nurse Specialist & Registered Nurse at North Shore Hospital, Intensive Care Unit, Auckland.

I am originally from Pakistan and moved to New Zealand in 2019. I completed my Master's in Nursing in 2016, and am currently studying Post Grad Diploma in Clinical Research.

I am involved in running clinical trials in my unit, from study start up to participant screening, recruitment, consent, auditing, and follow ups. I initiated nurse-led research in my unit and am currently the study principal investigator of “Migrant nurse’s cultural competence in New Zealand Intensive Care Unit: a cross sectional survey”

Clinical Background: Critical care and Cardiology and Surgical

Research background and interest

  • Quality of life
  • Nursing redeployment
  • Migrant nurse's cultural competence
  • Clinical practices
  • Clinical standards

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Isaac Amankwaa - Membership

Profile to come

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Sandra Bayliss - Professional Nursing Advisor

Email Sandie

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NRS Rules

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