Nursing Research Section (NRS), Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi (NZNO)


Mission Statement

The Nursing Research Section (NRS), Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi (NZNO) intends to raise the profile of research in all areas of nursing by inspiring and encouraging nurses in research. This will be achieved by: 

  • Promoting co-operation and collaboration between nurse research, both nationally and internationally.
  • Liaising with appropriate authorities on social, health, and educational issues relevant to nursing research in NZ.
  • Facilitating links between NRS and other NZNO C&S.
  • Providing a platform to bring together nurses who are future focused and interested in sharing knowledge and ideas to enhance evidence-based nursing practice.

What you get out of being a member of this section:

  • Support for nurses undertaking research.
  • Support with the dissemination, publication and promotion of your research. 
  • Recognition for nurses engaging in nursing research

Download: the NRS, Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi rules


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© Copyright 2014 New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Authorised by NZNO, 57 Willis Street, Wellington