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Privacy guidelines from the office of the Privacy Commissioner

Useful guides from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner related to information sharing about vulnerable children:

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National and International Nursing Groups

CanBreastFeed Resources

CanBreastFeed is an initiative of the Canterbury Breastfeeding Advocacy Service which is a health promotion contract managed by Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust. The service has been developed with the primary aim of supporting breastfeeding whānau, by working to remove the barriers to breastfeeding. Te Puawaitanga Ki Ōtautahi Trust is a kaupapa Māori provider of a range of health, education and social services and is a member organisation of NZBA.

Please see below three posters recently developed by CanBreastFeed.

These can also be accessed on their website:

Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN)

  • The Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN) is a federation of neonatal nursing associations from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
  • New Zealand's member group is the Neonatal Nurses College Aotearoa (NZNO). They work together to address common care and professional issues.

International Council of Nurses (ICN)

  • ICN is a federation of national nurses’ associations, representing nursing worldwide, advancing the profession and influencing health policy.

New Zealand Breastfeeding Alliance (NZBA)

Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH)

  • The Partnership joins together more than 80 partner members to advocate for the lives of every woman, newborn and child.
  • The PMNCH produces regular reports on recent activities which can be viewed on their website or subscribed to as emails.

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