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Update of the New Zealand Health Strategy 2000

The Minister of Health has asked for an update of the NZ Health Strategy 2000. The update is taking place alongside two other health system reviews: Funding and capability and capacity review.

Despite the short timeframe, NZNO is well placed to provide an evidenced-based rationale and strategic advice on the pivotal role of the nursing and nursing support workforce in achieving the aims of the strategy, which has a strong primary health care focus. (i.e. promoting health, reducing disease and disability, and ensuring equitable access to collaborative and integrated health and disability services.)

Our 2020 and Beyond: Vision for Nursing Statement provides a unified, systematic approach to developing the sustainable, flexible health workforce needed to meet current and future health demands. Nursing Matters outlines NZNO’s priorities for health and the key actions for nursing, health equity, and fair employment. Universal access to health care, workforce capacity and funding mechanisms are reflected as priority issues. We warmly and urgently invite further feedback to inform NZNO’s input into the workshops and consultation processes of developing the update.

See also: 2020 and beyond: a vision for nursing: Background Executive Summary

Feedback Due: Please send comments to by 10 May 2015

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