COVID-19 general FAQs for members

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FAQs for Te Whatu Ora members during the COVID-19 crisis

Working extra hours


Can I be required to work extra hours because of how COVID-19 has affected my workplace?


Nurses, midwives, health-care assistants and kai mahi hauora working in a pandemic or disaster may be faced with reduced resources and overwhelming demand. Resources may quickly be used up or may be unavailable. Planning for these circumstances cannot be achieved in isolation. It is important to participate in planning at the family or whānau level, work level and community level. NZNO believes an open and transparent conversation on what will be expected of health professionals in these situations is crucial for planning both personally and at the workplace.

It is likely you will be asked to work more than usual. NZNO encourages members to contribute what they can while balancing the competing obligations on them. However, you must look after yourself so you can properly look after others.

Different collective agreements will have different provisions regarding overtime. Some may expressly state that overtime must be reasonable, or impose mandatory break periods between the cessation of one shift and the commencement of another. Please check your employment agreement or contact your NZNO organiser to clarify your rights and obligations around overtime.

Please also see the question and answer on ethical issues.