Healthy Nature Healthy People
It aims to encourage us to use New Zealand's natural spaces to maintain and improve our health and wellbeing. These spaces include land and water from our urban parks and beaches to our national parks, seas, lakes and wild rivers.
Articles - Mental Health and Green Spaces
1. Doses of Neighborhood Nature: The Benefits for Mental Health of Living with Nature
Daniel T. C. Cox, Danielle F. Shanahan, Hannah L. Hudson, Kate E. Plummer, Gavin M. Siriwardena, Richard A. Fuller, Karen Anderson, Steven Hancock & Kevin J. Gaston
BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 2, 1 February 2017, Pages 147–155
Abstract: Experiences of nature provide many mental-health benefits, particularly for people living in urban areas. The natural characteristics of city residents’ neighborhoods are likely to be crucial determinants of the daily nature dose that they receive; however, which characteristics are important remains unclear.
2. Everyone needs the health benefits of being outdoors
Hulatt , Ian.
Nursing Standard (2014+); London
(Aug 2, 2017): 31.
Abstract: A study by researchers at the University of Warwick has shown that for many older people in care homes it takes a great effort to get outdoors. This isn't due to a lack of will but rather the environment they are living in and the restrictions placed on them, which range from needing permission to go outside to inadequate seating in gardens.
3. Low 25(OH)-vitamin D concentrations are associated with emotional and behavioral problems in German children and adolescents
Husmann, Christiane; Frank, Mirjam; Schmidt, Börge; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Antel, Jochen; et al.
PLoS One; San Francisco
(Aug 2017): e0183091
Abstract: Evidence has accumulated for the association between low vitamin D serum concentrations and mental health disorders in both children and adults. We performed a cross-sectional analysis in a population-based sample of children and adolescents to detect associations between 25(OH)-vitamin D serum [25(OH)D] concentrations and scores of the five Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) subscales and the total difficulties score in different age groups (age ≥3-<12 years and ≥12-<18 years).
4. Facilitating Wellness in Urban-Dwelling, Low-Income Older Adults Through Community Mobility: A Mixed-Methods Study
Mulry, Claire M; Papetti, Christina; De Martinis, Julian; Ravinsky, Mark.
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy; Bethesda
(Jul/Aug 2017): 1-7.
Abstract: Community participation is integral to wellness. This study examined the outcomes of Let’s Go, a program designed to facilitate community participation of urban-dwelling, low-income older adults.
5. Beyond knowing nature: Contact, emotion, compassion, meaning, and beauty are pathways to nature connection
Ryan Lumber; Richardson, Miles & Sheffield, David
PLoS One; San Francisco
(May 2017)
Abstract: Feeling connected to nature has been shown to be beneficial to wellbeing and pro-environmental behaviour. General nature contact and knowledge based activities are often used in an attempt to engage people with nature. However the specific routes to nature connectedness have not been examined systematically.
6. "Artificial But Better Than Nothing": The Greening of an Oncology Clinic Waiting Room
Blaschke, Sarah; O'Callaghan, Clare C & Schofield, Penelope
HERD : Health Environments Research & Design Journal; London
(Apr 2017): 51-60.
Objective: To investigate patient, staff, and carer responses to an environmental intervention in an oncology clinic waiting room and evaluate the acceptability of artificial plant materials
Setting: Oncology outpatient clinic waiting room located in a metropolitan comprehensive cancer center in Australia.
7. Exposure to Greenness and Mortality in a Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study of Women
Peter James, Jaime E. Hart, Rachel F. Banay, and Francine Laden
Abstract: Green, natural environments may ameliorate adverse environmental exposures (e.g. air pollution, noise, and extreme heat), increase physical activity and social engagement, and lower stress.
Objectives: We aimed to examine the prospective association between residential greenness and mortality.
8. Green Space and Depression during Pregnancy: Results from the Growing Up in New Zealand Study
Vikram Nichani, Kim Dirks, Bruce Burns, Amy Bird, Cameron Grant
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 Sep; 14(9): 1083.
Published online 2017 Sep 18. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14091083
Abstract: This study aimed to determine whether exposure to green space during pregnancy is associated with less depression, and whether this association is moderated by relevant factors, such as age, education, self-identified ethnicity, physical activity, residential rurality, and socioeconomic status
Articles – ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia
9. Engaging with research and evidence is a nursing priority so why are 'everyday' nurses not reading the literature
Ralph, Nicholas
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Spring 2017;
30(3): 3-5.
Abstract: I am reliably informed by ACORN members that there are two universes of'everyday' nurses, those who studiously read each new issue of the journal and those who briefly scan it.
10. Patients' perceptions of quality of care during the perioperative procedure
Forsberg, Angelica; Vikman, Irene; Wälivaara, Britt-Marie; Engström, Åsa
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Spring 2017; 30(3): 13-22. 10p.
Purpose: To describe patients’ perceptions of quality of care during the perioperative period and to identify areas for quality improvement.
Finding: The areas identified for improvement were information and participation. The participants lacked knowledge, preferred to hand over decision making to the hospital staff, and indicated that having personalised information about the surgery and perioperative period was important.
11. An overview of perioperative care for paediatric patients
Derieg, Sarah
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Spring 2017; 30(3): 23-29. 7p
Abstract: Care of paediatric surgical patients is not limited to paediatric facilities, and all perioperative RNs should have a basic understanding of the specialised care that children require. This knowledge set includes an understanding of the basic terminology used to describe this patient population as well as the developmental stages of paediatric patients. Preoperatively, the nurse should conduct a thorough assessment and evaluation and address the anxieties and questions of the patient and his or her parent or guardian.
12. Locus of control profile in anaesthetic nurse and theatre nurse students: A recruiting guideline?
Meeusen, Vera; Mangnus, Carla; Masters, Samantha
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Spring 2017; 30(3): 33-37. 5p
Abstract: In this study, a longitudinal survey design was used to investigate student perceptions of their locus of control, a concept which is linked with motivation, persistence and achievement in study and work. Data was collected from a sample of 100 students over a five-year period in the Netherlands.
13. Knowledge and perceptions of the NMSA role in Australia: A perioperative staff survey
Hains, Toni; Turner, Catherine; Strand, Haakan
ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, Spring 2017; 30(3): 39-45. 6p
Abstract: In Australia, the role of the Non-Medical Surgical Assistant (NMSA) lacks recognition and professional regulation. This paper reports the findings of a recent survey of Australian perioperative staff [n=116] to determine their knowledge and perceptions of the NMSA role. The survey findings confirm that the role is not well established across the Australian health care system.
Journal - Table of Contents
Registered Nurse Journal, May/June 2017
14A. Editor’s note -Embrace the unexpected [RNAO lost Jesse Saturno and Maggie Sicilia to cancer earlier this year]
14B. President’s View – A year in reflection
14C. CEO Dispatch – RN replacement must stop: Look at the facts, follow the evidence
14D. Public health an early passion for Toronto RN
14E. Policy at Work – More evidence of RN effectiveness
14F. Nursing in the News: Province must plan for nuclear disaster; Former RN pleads guilty to murder; Opening about oncology sexual health; Helping victims of violence; Nurses suffer PTSD too; Promoting kangaroo care; Retirement celebration for long-time RNAO Director
14G. Nursing Notes: Inmates deserve better health care; Discrimination must stop, at home and abroad; New RNAO interest group (Retired Nurses’ Interest Group); Changes coming to the workplace
14H. Living me [ RNs and NPs are helping transgender Ontarians to express their true gender identity]
14I. 2017 Nursing Week, May 8-14: A collection of images
14J. 2017 AGM Annual General Meeting [Values, Evidence, Courage]
14K. Bold strategies boost results [Four Ontario organisations sign on to use nursing order sets as a step-by-step guide to implement BPG recommendations and track the results]
14L. In the end: What nursing means to me
15. KPMG and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Enabling the Appropriate Sharing of Personal Information: A Panel Discussion
Date: Thu 2nd Nov 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Venue: KPMG, 10 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, New Zealand
More information: Sharyn Leonard
News – National
16. Research highlights undetected eye problems in children
Radio New Zealand - 9 October 2017
One in three low-decile primary school children are going years with undetected eyesight problems that could have "massive" consequences for their learning, new research says. The charity, Essilor Vision Foundation, has found 30 percent of the 3000 low decile school students it screened had a vision issue they were not aware of by nine years of age. The Massey University researchers who carried out the study said that raised questions about how children's eyes are being tested.
17. Sex medicine: treating men and women differently
From This Way Up, 12:40 pm on 7 October 2017
Heart disease is the biggest killer of women in New Zealand. Could part of the problem be that a woman's symptoms can be very different to a man's and many heart attacks are missed and wrongly diagnosed? Dr Marek Glezerman's new book Gender Medicine explores the groundbreaking new science of gender-based diagnosis and treatment. Men and women differ in terms of digestion, which affects the way medications are absorbed. Sensitivity to pain is dependent on gender. Even the symptoms of a heart attack manifest differently in a man than in a woman.
News – International
18. Private health insurance is about to get the biggest shake-up the industry has ever seen
ABC – 12 October 2017
Young Australians are being targeted in the biggest overhaul of private health insurance in decades, with premium discounts on the cards and a big focus on mental health.
Key points:
Discounts of 2 per cent a year for a maximum of five years for people aged between 19 and 29
Any insured patient entering a hospital with a mental illness could immediately upgrade their policy to full cover
Health insurance products would be categorised into Gold, Silver, Bronze and Basic
The ABC can reveal the Federal Government plans a raft of transparency and affordability measures to help take the pressure off health insurance premiums, which have increased by an average 5.6 per cent a year since 2010