With you from the beginning, strengthening your future

NSU Committee

Student resources

Hauora Student Services Directory

Results from the NZNO 2017 National Nursing Student Survey suggest nursing students don’t always know where to go for health or welfare related help and advice. Examples might include where to get help with quitting smoking, sexual health and contraception, or domestic violence.

In 2018 the National Student Unit produced a student services directory that lists health and student-friendly welfare services within the geographical regions of undergraduate nursing and midwifery programmes. It is not exhaustive and does not include most publicly funded services, which students may already know about.

The directory is a result of internet searches for services advertised in 2018 and some organisations may have changed their services and fees. However, most advertised as being free or that they charged a nominal fee or koha.

Inclusion of a service does not constitute NZNO endorsement and NZNO receives no payment for including any service in the directory.

Guideline - Social Media and the Nursing Profession

A guide to maintain professionalism online for Nurses and Nursing students.