Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces

Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces Unit

The Safe Staffing and Healthy Workplaces (SSHW) Unit is part of a collaborative agreement between the New Zealand Nurses’ Organisation and the District Health Boards. The Unit’s goal is to have staffing and workplaces that assure patient safety and satisfaction, support staff health and well-being and support organisational efficiency.

The Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces Unit sits within District Health Boards New Zealand (DHBNZ) and responds to the issues identified by the Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces Committee of Inquiry (COI) through their report published in 2006.

The Minister of Health specifically funded the Unit in recognition of the Government’s commitment to advancing patient-centred improvements in service quality and these are expected to flow from the work of the SSHW Unit.