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Government response to issues in aged care patronising

19 February 2013: The Health Select Committee has released its report on the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) and Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota (SFWU) petition calling for proper funding of the aged care sector.

NZNO is frustrated that the report does nothing more than suggest that the Government “acknowledge the commendable work that those employed in the aged-care sector carry out every day”.

NZNO industrial adviser, Susan Stewart says, “It is completely patronising for the Government members of the Health Select Committee to say this, while wholly ignoring the concerns of unions, those who work in the aged care sector, the Human Rights Commission and almost every stakeholder in the aged care industry, including the owners of rest homes.”

“It is time for the Government to listen to the thousands of people of Aotearoa who signed our petition and also participated in the Human Rights Commission investigation.”

“The Government’s blinkered approach is morally wrong; they are compromising the quality of care our vulnerable elders receive and are consigning those who care for them to live on poverty wages,” Stewart says.

“Our petition calls for safe staffing levels, pay parity, training and targeted government funding. It is about time the Government fronted up and dealt with these issues.”


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027 431 2617  |  04 494 8242

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021 240 3420  |  04 494 6839

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