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NZNO supports NZEI, says urgent negotiations should continue

18 October 2018

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) supports the New Zealand Educational Institute’s (NZEI’s) strong stand over pay that may result in regional primary school teacher strikes in November. However, it is encouraging all parties to resolve issues urgently in a way that reflects the true value of New Zealand teachers and avoids the need for strikes.

NZNO Acting Industrial Services Manager Glenda Alexander said nursing and teaching face similar issues in that poor pay and stressful working conditions have resulted in ongoing problems around morale and fewer people staying in or joining the profession.

“Like nurses, teachers do work of immense value and there should be no question of this being reflected in the way they are paid. We agree with the NZEI that this is ultimately about the future of education and is therefore an important issue for all New Zealanders.

“NZNO encourages the Government, Ministry of Education and NZEI to work together urgently to find a solution that: avoids the need for strike action in November; recognises and rewards teachers now; and ensures the attractiveness of teaching as a profession into the future.”


Media inquiries: Rob Zorn, NZNO Media and Communications Advisor: 027 431 2617.

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