February 2016 - Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Teal is the chosen colour to represent Ovarian Cancer awareness and we want New Zealand to Turn it Teal so we can increase awareness of the fourth leading cause of cancer death in NZ women.
Every day in New Zealand 3 women are diagnosed and 1 woman dies from a gynaecological cancer
Ovarian cancer – the main killer of these cancers takes one New Zealand woman every 48 hours
Articles – Ovarian Cancer
1. Over half of all gynaecologic cancers are rare: Barriers and challenges to improving outcomes
By Harrison, Michelle & Friedlander, Michael
Cancer Forum, Vol. 39, No. 1, Mar 2015: 20-24
Abstract: Evidence-based medicine is the bedrock for optimal clinical practice and relies on using the best available evidence from randomised controlled trials to guide management for an individual patient. Over 50% of gynaecological cancers are classified as 'rare', which creates additional challenges in carrying out clinical trials and establishing a robust evidence-base for treatment. It is now clear that epithelial ovarian cancer, one of the most common gynaecological cancer types, is not a distinct entity, but is comprised of multiple distinct subtypes which differ in their biological behaviour and response to treatment.
2. Research: 25/25 vision needed to see through Ovarian cancer misunderstandings. Nielsen, Kathy
Medicus, Vol. 55, No. 2, Mar 2015: 40-41
Abstract: Ovarian Cancer Australia's (OCA) recent study of the level of understanding and awareness of ovarian cancer by Australians conducted by Wallis Market and Social Research in February in the lead up to Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month revealed that knowledge on the disease's symptoms and prevention is still widely misunderstood.
3. Investigation and management of an ovarian mass
By Yeoh, Melissa
Australian Family Physician, Vol. 44, No. 1/2, Jan/Feb 2015: 48-52
Abstract: Ovarian masses are very common in pre- and postmenopausal women and are typically an incidental finding. Objective: This article aims to provide a systematic approach to an ovarian mass for general practitioners including investigations, risk of ovarian cancer and referral considerations. Discussion: Investigation for an ovarian mass includes both transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound. Simple, anechoic cysts <5 cm in premenopausal women are likely to be benign and do not require further follow-up
Articles – International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
4. Using "Think Aloud" to Capture Clinical Reasoning during Patient Simulation
By Burbach, B., Barnason, S & Thompson, Sarah A.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (2015).
12(1), 1-7.
Abstract: Think Aloud (TA), a strategy in which subjects are instructed to verbalize thoughts as they occur while completing an assigned task, was integrated into a study of clinical reasoning during high fidelity patient simulation by baccalaureate nursing students. TA methods in nursing education research with patient simulation have not previously been reported. Concurrent TA (verbalization of thoughts in short-term memory) and retrospective TA (reflective thoughts verbalized during an immediate post-simulation interview) methods facilitated the collection of rich and meaningful data
5. Translation and Evaluation of the Cultural Awareness Scale for Korean Nursing Students
By Oh, Hyunjin, Lee, Jung-ah & Schepp, Karen G.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (2015). 12(1), 9-16.
Abstract: To evaluate the effectiveness of a curriculum for achieving high levels of cultural competence, we need to be able to assess education intended to enhance cultural competency skills. We therefore translated the Cultural Awareness Scale (CAS) into Korean (CAS-K). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cross-cultural applicability and psychometric properties of the CAS-K, specifically its reliability and validity.
6. Making the Most of Simulated Learning: Understanding and Managing Perceptions
By Livesay, Karen; Lawrence, Karen; Miller, Clive.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. (2015).
12(1), 17-26.
Abstract: Increased emphasis on the use of simulation by nursing education providers is evident world-wide. It is unclear what the implications of this initiative are for academic staff within nursing programs. Programs report a range of responses to simulation pedagogy amongst faculty ranging from enthusiasm to avoidance. This study identified a wide range of concerns encapsulating the staff themselves, their concern for students as well as organisational considerations that impact staff perceptions
7. Nursing Students' Experiences with High-Fidelity Simulation
By Najjar, Rana Halabi; Lyman, Bret; Miehl, Nick.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (2015).
12(1), 27-35
Abstract: Research has revealed the effectiveness of simulation for facilitating student development of self-efficacy, knowledge, clinical judgment, and proficiency in technical skills. This grounded theory study was conducted to describe the experience of nursing students in high-fidelity simulation and develop a model which explicates the experience of nursing students in simulation
8. Teaching Nursing Leadership: Comparison of Simulation versus Traditional Inpatient Clinical
By Gore, Teresa N; Johnson, Tanya Looney; Wang, Chih-hsuan.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship (2105).
12(1), 55-63.
Abstract: Nurse educators claim accountability to ensure their students are prepared to assume leadership responsibilities upon graduation. Although front-line nurse leaders and nurse executives feel new graduates are not adequately prepared to take on basic leadership roles, professional nursing organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) deem leadership skills are core competencies of new graduate nurses. This study includes comparison of a leadership-focused multi-patient simulation and the traditional leadership clinical experiences in a baccalaureate nursing leadership course.
Journal - Table of Contents
From Nursing Older People [RCN journal]
Volume 28, Issue 1, 28 January 2016
9A. Editorial: Achieving the gold standard [Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is the gold standard for identifying and addressing the needs of frail older people]
9B. News: College launches initiative to improve the dementia skills of care home nurses
9C. News: Call for review of health and social care provision
9D. Analysis: Are independent care homes heading for the scrap heap?
9E. Opinion: Appetite for life [A REPORT by the British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and the National Institute for Health Research puts the cost of malnutrition in England at a staggering £19.6 billion a year]
9F. Feature: Improving the knowledge base in older people’s care
9G. Arts-based and creative approaches to dementia care
9H. Advanced nurse practitioner-led referral for specialist care and rehabilitation
Associations between alcohol use, polypharmacy and falls in older adults
La Leche League International celebrates 60 wonderful years. In keeping with our own traditions here in NZ, we have incorporated a Te Reo translation: Te Whāngote: Hei taonga tukuiho. When translated literally, this becomes Breastfeeding: A treasure to be passed down, which we feel fits perfectly with La Leche League’s philosophy.
More information: http://www.lalecheleague.org.nz/conference
11. Hui Whakapiripiri 2016
'Reflections of Māori health research - acknowledging, strengthening, extending' - Health Research Council
Date: 4–5 July 2016
Venue: Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington on .
Receive updates: HWhakapiripiri2016@hrc.govt.nz.
More information: http://www.hrc.govt.nz/news-and-publications/news-media#hui-whakapiripiri-2016
12. 17th annual WFHSS World Sterilization Congress
Hosted by the World Federation for Hospital Sterilization Sciences and the local body, the Federation of Sterilizing Research and Advisory Councils of Australia (FSRACA
Date: 26 – 29 October 2016
Venue: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia)
More information: http://wfhssbrisbane2016.com/
News – National
13. Zika spotlights rare birth defect with a variety of causes
NZ Herald - Friday Feb 5, 2016
WASHINGTON (AP) " The Zika virus is putting a spotlight on a potentially devastating birth defect that until now has gotten little public attention. Regardless of whether the mosquito-borne virus really causes babies to be born with abnormally small heads, a variety of other conditions trigger microcephaly. And, frustratingly, often there's little way to predict what this condition will mean for children's lives. Occasionally, babies just have smaller heads and otherwise are normal.
14. The Angelina Jolie benefit added to Southern Cross health insurance policies
Stuff - January 26 2016
The country's largest health insurer Southern Cross is changing its policies to cover preventative treatments like the double mastectomy undergone by actress Angelina Jolie. Jolie had both breasts removed in 2013 after genetic testing showed she had a high chance of developing breast cancer. In 2015, she also had her ovaries removed. New Zealand women with health insurance could do the same, but they either have had to pay for it themselves, or go through the state healthcare system, because policies typically exclude preventative treatments
News – International
15. Top 7 surprisingly preventable cancers: WA Health Department report
The Age - February 3, 2016
A third of West Australians are unaware that up to 40 per cent of the state's most common cancers are preventable, a government report has shown. The WA Health Department's online consultation informed a report on how WA is progressing in cancer prevention and detection. The report said of the 12,000 new cases diagnosed in WA each year, up to 40 per cent were considered preventable and of those, nine in 10 were caused by smoking, UV radiation, poor diet, physical inactivity, being overweight and drinking.
16. Health expenditure grows year on year to $6248 per person
The Age - February 2, 2016
The total cost of Australian health care has grown about four per cent per year over a decade to $6248 per person, a report says. The Productivity Commission's report on health services on Tuesday showed that the total amount government, individuals and private insurance spent on health grew from $4788 per person in 2004/5 to $6248 per person in 2014. Federal, state and territory expenditure grew from $3361 to $4284 per person in that time.