Articles – Social Media/Patient Privacy
1. Clinicians and their cameras: Policy, ethics and practice in an Australian tertiary hospital
Burns, Kara & Belton, Suzanne
Australian Health Review, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2013: 437-441
Abstract: Medical photography illustrates what people would prefer to keep private, is practiced when people are vulnerable, and has the power to freeze a moment in time. Given it is a sensitive area of health, lawful and ethical practice is paramount. This paper recognises and seeks to clarify the possibility of widespread clinician-taken medical photography in a tertiary hospital in Australia, examining the legal and ethical implications of this practice. A framework of law, state Department of Health policy and human rights theory were used to argue the thesis
2. Social media: The pitfalls and the potential
Douglas, Kara
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, Jul 2014: 24-28
Abstract: Most people have heard stories about nurses and midwives being fired for ranting about their employer on Facebook or tweeting an inappropriate photo. But instead of being scared of social media, some nurses and midwives are embracing it as a tool to advance the professions, educate their patients and boost their careers. Kara Douglas reports.
3. Privacy, professionalism and social media
Johnstone, Megan-Jane
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal. Vol. 23, No. 7, Feb 2016: 23
Abstract: The widespread use of social media is an everyday reality that is transforming the way people communicate. Because of its immediacy and accessibility, social media platforms have become the key means by which many people participate in and keep informed about breaking news and events and about ongoing developments, discussions and discoveries in the world at large.
4. Ethics and professionalism in general practice placements: What should students learn?
Sturman, Nancy & Saiepour, Nargess
Australian Family Physician. Vol. 43, No. 7, Jul 2014: 468-472
Abstract: A diverse range of ethical and professionalism issues has been identified in Australian general practice. Objective: To establish which of these issues general practitioner (GP) teachers and students consider the most important, to enable GP teachers to facilitate student learning in this domain.
5. Social media and the new e-professionalism
Cleary, Michelle; Ferguson, Caleb; Jackson, Debra; Watson, Roger
Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession
Vol. 45, No. 2, Oct 2013: 152-154
Abstract: In todays internet age there is an expectation that we not only become acquainted with social media, but that we use it; and wisely too. This expectation is reinforced by the proliferation of social media use by government agencies which, increasingly, have active social media profiles, and use Twitter and other forms of social media as an essential aspect of their communication strategy.
Articles - Health Sociology Review
6. Negotiating stigma in health care: disclosure and the role of electronic health records
Stablein, Timothy; Hall, Joseph Lorenzo; Pervis, Chauna; Anthony, Denise L.
Health Sociology Review
(2015): 227-241.
Abstract: The implementation of electronic health records facilitates information sharing which can create challenges for stigma management and disclosure during the clinical encounter. Building on theories of stigma management, we analysed 30 in-depth interviews of sexual minority men in the USA to explore how they perceived the role of electronic health records in the clinical encounter in general and for disclosure in particular
7. The meanings of physical appearance in patients seeking bariatric surgery
Park, Juyeon. Health Sociology Review
(2015): 242-255.
Abstract: This study highlighted various meanings of physical appearance in obese individuals seeking bariatric surgery. Fourteen US adult patients participated in an in-depth, semi-structured interview that took 45 minutes to 2 hours. Data were transcribed verbatim and transferred into NVivo 10. A coding scheme was developed based on the themes inferred from content analysis.
8. "Obesities": Experiences and perspectives across weight trajectories
Bombak, Andrea E. Health Sociology Review
(2015): 256-269
Abstract: Fatness or weight deemed excessive is pathologised as "obesity." "Obese" individuals are subject to stigma and exhorted to lose weight to improve health. Coping with supposedly excess weight, whether one prioritises self-acceptance or weight loss, is often a lifelong struggle; its effects on identity may persist regardless of (often transient) weight changes.
9. The lived experience of everyday activity for individuals with severe mental illness
Milbourn, Benjamin; McNamara, Beverley; Buchanan, Angus.
Health Sociology Review
(2015): 270-282
Abstract: Engagement in everyday activity is an underplayed area when attempting to understand mental illness. Little is known about the everyday activities of individuals who experience severe mental illness and who are labelled 'hard to engage'. This article reports on the findings of a longitudinal study. Eleven individuals receiving community mental health services were interviewed over a 12-month period through one-to-one meetings using field notes and audio recordings.
10. Mental health and parenthood: A longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported mental health and parenthood
Kalucza, Sara; Hammarström, Anne; Nilsson, Karina.
Health Sociology Review
(2015): 283-296.
Abstract: According to previous studies, the relationship between parenthood and mental health is not straightforward. One reason could be that selection effects on parenthood are seldom accounted for. Using the unique Northern Swedish Cohort dataset, following individuals from age 16 to 43 (n = 1001), this study examines whether there is a selection effect of self-reported mental health in adolescence into parenthood; and whether entry into parenthood is related to subsequent mental health after controlling for prior mental health.
11. 'A contributing life': living a contributing life as 'a person', 'an artist' and 'an artist with a mental illness'
Gwinner, Karleen; Knox, Marie; Brough, Mark.
Health Sociology Review
(2015): 297-309
Abstract: The Australian National Mental Health Commission recently adopted a focus on 'a contributing life' to acknowledge the importance of full and meaningful participation in community life. This concept compels new conversations about the complex nature of life experiences for people with lived experience of mental illness.
12. Symbolic power and professional titles: the case of "podiatric surgeon"
Borthwick, Alan M; Boyce, Rosalie A; Nancarrow, Susan A.
Health Sociology Review
(2015): 310-322
Abstract: Interprofessional conflict has largely been understood in terms of jurisdictional disputes centred on contested task domains and role boundaries, with less attention paid to the symbolic value associated with specific professional titles.
Journal - Table of Contents
From Nursing Management [RCN] Volume 22, Issue 9, 01 February 2016
13A. Editorial: Nurses deserve to be rewarded
13B. News: Foreign nurses need help to adapt to UK hospitals; Mobile learning with RCNi; End of life care guidance calls for individualised plans; Government action on agency use cuts NHS staffing bill; Survey results reveal concerns about lack of support.
13C. Analysis: General practice nurses urged to join professional mainstream
13D. Analysis: Nursing associates: a return to state enrolled nurses?
13E. Opinion: Network your way to success
13F. App Review: Yellow Card app [this app collects and reviews reports of adverse reactions to medicines and vaccines].
13G. Opinion: Vantage point - High standards
Art & Science
13H. Improving patients’ sleep: reducing light and noise levels on wards at night
13I. Developing a smartphone app to support the nursing community
13J. Managers’ role in maximising investment in continuing professional education
13K. Careers: Flexible leadership
14. Henry Marsh forum: Clinical leadership in health quality and safety
Date: 9th - 9th Mar 2016
Venue: Soundings Theatre, Te Papa, Wellington
More information:
15. Ngā Manukura o Āpōpō
Clinical Leadership Training for Māori Nurses and Midwives
Cohort 12 - Wellington: Wānanga held at Tapu Te Ranga Marae
Wānanga 1 - 3 & 4 March, 2016
Wānanga 2 - 7 & 8 April, 2016
Wānanga 3 - 19 & 20 May, 2016
Wānanga 4 - 23 & 24 June, 2016
Cohort 13 - Waikato: : Wānanga held at Tūrangawaewae Marae, Ngāruawāhia
Wānanga 1 - 7 & 8 July, 2016
Wānanga 2 - 15 & 16 September, 2016
Wānanga 3 - 13 & 14 October, 2016
Wānanga 4 - 10 & 11 November, 2016
Any queries please contact Tania directly -
16. PSBC's 2nd Biennial Conference: Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies
Advances in Clinical Practice and Research Across the Continuum
Date: March 11-12, 2016
Location: Marriott Vancouver Pinnacle Downtown, Vancouver, BC
More information:
17. The Lowitja Institute International Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Conference. Identity | Knowledge | Strength
Date: 8, 9 & 10 November 2016
Venue: Melbourne, Australia
More information:
News – National
18. Why don't we wipe out mosquitoes?
NZ Herald - Thursday Feb 11, 2016
A blood-sucking, disease-spreading, whining creature is always going to be a hard sell, even to nature lovers. And the dreaded mosquito is now the prime suspect behind the sudden arrival and explosive spread of Zika virus. Zika is transmitted by a mosquito vector Aedes aegypti, a pan-global tropical species already well known for spreading diseases such as yellow and dengue fever.
19. How your friends affect your health
Stuff - January 25 2016
Think about your five closest friends. What do they care about? Do they love the gym? Long walks on the beach? Maybe they smoke, or are overweight. You should choose your friends wisely, because they can have a big influence on your health. Growing evidence suggests disease spreads through social networks. According to a US study which followed 12,000 people for 32 years, if you have a close friend who becomes obese, your chances of becoming obese increase by 171 per cent. And your risk of attempting suicide is four times higher if you have a friend who has tried to kill themselves
News – International
20. Private sector to deliver Medicare benefits under radical government proposal: report
Sydney Morning Herald – 9 February 2016
Medicare and aged-care benefits would be delivered by the private sector under a major shake-up reportedly being considered by the Turnbull government.
21. We can't close the gap on health unless we talk about nutrition
The Age - February 10, 2016 - 12:22PM
Diet is the single most important factor in the chronic disease epidemic facing Aboriginal communities. So where's the policy?
22. Health Minister Sussan Ley targets $800m medical devices waste
The Age - February 5, 2016
Health Minister Sussan Ley has pledged to review claims of exorbitant medical device prices, with up to $800 million a year wasted, to halt surging health insurance premiums. The minister said on Friday reform of prostheses, which includes hip and knee replacements, plates and pacemakers, had been made a "priority" to complement the federal review of private health insurance.