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NZNO Library Current Awareness Newsletter

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Issue 33 - 17 May 2022

This issue includes:

  • Books: available for borrowing
  • Articles: American Journal of Nursing, April 2022   |   American Journal of Nursing, May 2022   |   International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, June 2022   |   British Journal of Nursing, April 2022
  • Events:  The Third New Zealand Breast Cancer Symposium
  • News: National and international

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Issue 32 - 10 May 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Covid   |   Pressure Injury Prevention   |   Clinical Nurse Specialists   |   Surge Models   |   Nursing Shortages/Missed Care   |  
  • Events:  Long COVID: Journeying together through the fog   |   2022 Emergency Care Conference
  • News: National and international

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Issue 31 - 22 April 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Mentoring   |   Spiritual Care   |   Ethics
  • Events:  2022 Emergency Care Conference   |   Advanced Social Media Marketing
  • News: National and international

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Issue 30 - 28 March 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: The Lamp, October/November 2021   |   Health Promotion Journal of Australia, January 2022   |   Nurses & Political Action   |   Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, September - November 2021   |   Journal of Gerontological Nursing, February 2022
  • Events:  New Zealand Women in Medicine (NZWIM) Conference   |   New Zealand Women’s Leadership Syposium   |   Health and Safety Association NZ (HASANZ) Conference
  • News: National and international

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Issue 29 - 15 March 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing   |   Working from Home   |   Nursing Older People 
  • Events:  New Zealand Women in Medicine (NZWIM) Conference   |   New Zealand Women’s Leadership Syposium   |   Health and Safety Association NZ (HASANZ) Conference
  • News: National and international

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Issue 28 - 03 March 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Articles: Rapid Antigen Tests   |   Articles: Journal for Nurse Practitioners, January 2021   |   Articles: The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, June 2021
  • Events:  New Zealand Women in Medicine (NZWIM) Conference   |   New Zealand Women’s Leadership Syposium   |   Health and Safety Association NZ (HASANZ) Conference
  • News: National and international

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Issue 27 - 22 February 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 2022   |   Handovers   |   Anxiety   |   International Journal of Nursing Studies, February 2022   |
  • Events:  New Zealand Women in Medicine (NZWIM) Conference   |   New Zealand Women’s Leadership Syposium
  • News: National and international

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Issue 26 - 7 February 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Journal of Advanced Nursing, February 2022   |   Burnout/Moral Distress   |   Journal of Infection Prevention, November 2021   |   Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal   |   Medical Journal of Australia, 2022
  • Events:  Consumer health forum   |   New Zealand Nursing Leaders' Summit
  • News: National and international

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Issue 25 - 21 January 2022

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Nursing Standard, January 2022 [RCN Journal]   |   12 hour shifts
  • Events:  Health and Care Services for Older People   |   New Zealand Nursing Leaders' Summit
  • News: National and international

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Issue 24 - 22 December 2021

This issue includes:

  • Articles: Nursing Older People, November 2021 [RCN Journal]   |   Nursing Management, December 2021 [RCN Journal]   |   Nursing Times, December 2021 [Journal]
  • Events:  Health and Care Services for Older People   |   New Zealand Nursing Leaders' Summit
  • News: National and international

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