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NZNO Library Current Awareness Newsletter

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Issue 15 - 17 May 2012

NZNO on Facebook NZNO has just launched its new Facebook page. We’ve created an opportunity for you to interact with NZNO, ask us questions and find out what’s going on. We’re also here to give you the chance to engage with your fellow members and chat about the big issues facing nursing and...

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Issue 15 - 17 May 2012

NZNO on Facebook NZNO has just launched its new Facebook page. We’ve created an opportunity for you to interact with NZNO, ask us questions and find out what’s going on. We’re also here to give you the chance to engage with your fellow members and chat about the big issues facing nursing and...

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Issue 14 - 8 May 2012

Enjoy FREE access to LWW Nursing Journals In honour of Nurses' Week 2012, enjoy online access to the current issues of LWW's Nursing journals - May 6 through May 12. Articles on Solvent Abuse 1....

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Issue 14 - 8 May 2012

Enjoy FREE access to LWW Nursing Journals In honour of Nurses' Week 2012, enjoy online access to the current issues of LWW's Nursing journals - May 6 through May 12. Articles on Solvent Abuse 1. The Latest...

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Issue 13 - 30 April 2012

Enjoy FREE access to LWW Nursing Journals In honour of Nurses' Week 2012, enjoy online access to the current issues of LWW's Nursing journals from May 6 through May 12.   Articles 1. Comparing...

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Issue 13 - 30 April 2012

Enjoy FREE access to LWW Nursing Journals In honour of Nurses' Week 2012, enjoy online access to the current issues of LWW's Nursing journals from May 6 through May 12.   Articles 1. Comparing the coding...

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Issue 12 - 17 April 2012

Royal College of Nursing Journals The following RCN journals can be accessed via the Gale - Academic OneFile database. This database can be accessed by members via the online journals page. Click on login and enter your membership number and password; then select Start Searching Academic...

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Issue 12 - 17 April 2012

Royal College of Nursing Journals The following RCN journals can be accessed via the Gale - Academic OneFile database. This database can be accessed by members via the online journals page. Click on login and enter your membership number and password; then select Start Searching Academic...

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Issue 11 - 11 April 2012

Articles - Whooping Cough - Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr 2011 1. Arm your patients against whooping cough By Heavy, Elizabeth. Nursing, Feb 2008, Vol. 38 Issue 2: p22-23 Abstract: The article discusses key issues concerning pertussis or whooping cough, a highly contagious...

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Issue 11 - 11 April 2012

Articles - Whooping Cough - Public Health Nursing, Mar/Apr 2011 1. Arm your patients against whooping cough By Heavy, Elizabeth. Nursing, Feb 2008, Vol. 38 Issue 2: p22-23 Abstract: The article discusses key issues concerning pertussis or whooping cough, a highly contagious bacterial...

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