Tauira Professional Development Day and Hui-ā-Tau
Date: Thu 15 August 2024
Venue: Papakura Marae, 29 Hunua Road, Papakura
- 9:30am—4:30pm: Hui-ā-Tau and Professional Developement Day
Conference and Te Rūnanga Hui-ā-Tau
Dates: Fri 16—Sun 18 August 2024
Venue: Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre, 58 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland
Attend online: Te Rūnanga members who are unable to attend in person can join in via Microsoft Teams. The link will be supplied closer to the conference date.
Friday 16 August: Day 1
- 9:30am—5:00pm: Indigenous Nurses Aotearoa Conference
Saturday 17 August: Day 2
- 8:30am—4:30pm: Indigenous Nurses Aotearoa Conference
- 5.30pm—onwards: Awards Night and Hakari
Sunday 18 August: Day 3
- 9:00am—12:00pm: Te Rūnanga Hui-ā-Tau
Over the past year we have faced numerous significant challenges, from chronic nursing workforce shortages to unequal pay across the health sector. These issues have been exacerbated by financial restrictions and political decisions that will impact our health and well-being for generations.
Since the coalition government was elected, there has been a cascade of actions aimed at undermining the achievements fought for by our ancestors. Efforts to remove references to Te Tiriti from legislation and Crown entities, exemplified by the proposed Treaty Principles Bill, threaten to deny our status as Indigenous people. This has led to severe consequences, including the inability of Māori to govern their health services and an overrepresentation of Māori in poor health outcomes due to systemic failures and racism. The recent disestablishment of Te Aka Whai Ora, an agency designed to provide Māori oversight of their own health, highlights these issues.
Additionally, the disproportionate representation of Māori in the workforce compared to internationally qualified nurses is an example of the perpetual problem we face within the health sector as Māori and Māori nurses. It is crucial to recognise that Māori have never been passive victims of colonisation; instead, we have consistently demonstrated agility and resilience, from passive resistance to fierce warfare, always united in our fight for Tino Rangatiratanga and Mana Motuhake.
This year's conference theme is ngā Raukura; we welcome remembering our collective strength and exploring diverse pathways to achieve our aspirations.
The highly anticipated Tauira Professional Development Day and the Indigenous Nurses Aotearoa Conference features a compelling agenda that includes keynote speeches, panel discussions, and ample networking opportunities. Attendees can expect deep dives into pivotal topics that offer invaluable insights and strategies crucial for navigating the evolving landscape of health.
View the agenda for both events
Te Akenehi Hei Memorial Award
This award commemorates the contribution of Te Akenehi Hei to Māori nursing and bestows great mana.
- Annette Sykes
- Linda Munn
- Kura Moeahu
- Donna Awatere
- Hilda Halkyard-Harawira
- Ebony Komene
- Beverly Te Huia
- John & Orewa Ohia
- Ebony Komene
- Beverly Te Huia
- Aroha Ruha-Hiraka
See the Speakers page for speaker photos and bios.
2024 Te Poari Leadership Elections
Only one candidate was nominated for each position, so no election will take place.
Conference tohu